Why did the trade federation invade naboo

The Trade Federation doesn't really have a good reason to blockade the system other then Palpatine told Gunray to do it. Edit: I just realized that I barely even answered your question. I think it's stated in the opening crawl that the Trade Federation is unhappy with current trade laws and taxes, so they plan on halting all trade to Naboo.

By blockading Naboo they are disrupting normal functions and forcing people to confront the issue, which in this case was the TF believing trade taxes are too high. As for why they were following Sidious, they were likely promised greater power by going along with his plan. The Trade Federation upsets order in the Galactic Republic by blockading the planet Naboo in preparation for a full-scale invasion. The Republic's leader, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, dispatches Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. Located in the Chommell sector, Naboo is the home planet of Padmé Amidala and Jar Jar Binks, as well as Senator (later Supreme Chancellor and then Emperor) Palpatine.In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, it was the site of a blockade by the Trade Federation and the Battle of Naboo between the Federation and the native inhabitants. Naboo is seen in four films in the Star Wars series The Trade Federation doesn't really have a good reason to blockade the system other then Palpatine told Gunray to do it. Edit: I just realized that I barely even answered your question. I think it's stated in the opening crawl that the Trade Federation is unhappy with current trade laws and taxes, so they plan on halting all trade to Naboo.

The Invasion of Naboo, also known as the the blockade of Naboo, the Naboo Crisis, or the occupation of Naboo, was a pivotal galactic conflict that took place in 32 BBY, ten years prior to the Clone Wars, which laid the seeds for the war itself. During the crisis, Naboo was blockaded for a month

By blockading Naboo they are disrupting normal functions and forcing people to confront the issue, which in this case was the TF believing trade taxes are too high. As for why they were following Sidious, they were likely promised greater power by going along with his plan. The Trade Federation upsets order in the Galactic Republic by blockading the planet Naboo in preparation for a full-scale invasion. The Republic's leader, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, dispatches Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. Located in the Chommell sector, Naboo is the home planet of Padmé Amidala and Jar Jar Binks, as well as Senator (later Supreme Chancellor and then Emperor) Palpatine.In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, it was the site of a blockade by the Trade Federation and the Battle of Naboo between the Federation and the native inhabitants. Naboo is seen in four films in the Star Wars series The Trade Federation doesn't really have a good reason to blockade the system other then Palpatine told Gunray to do it. Edit: I just realized that I barely even answered your question. I think it's stated in the opening crawl that the Trade Federation is unhappy with current trade laws and taxes, so they plan on halting all trade to Naboo.

22 Dec 2014 The Trade Federation invades Naboo because they're secretly working for Darth Sidious, who is secretly Palpatine, who is not secretly the Senator of Naboo.

Star Wars Attack of the Clones " Padme Amidala" Lars Homestead of Naboo celebrate their victory over the invasion of the Trade Federation. If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? 1 Nov 2019 Sheev Palpatine, the man who would become a Sith Lord and the galactic was the one behind the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo, Palpatine was He knew they were planning to attack the Death Star before it was  The point of the blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo from the perspective of the Trade Federation is never made clear in the movie. People can talk about story lines from books and such all they want, but the fact remains that there is no clear explanation given in the movie. The Invasion of Naboo, also known as the the blockade of Naboo, the Naboo Crisis, or the occupation of Naboo, was a pivotal galactic conflict that took place in 32 BBY, ten years prior to the Clone Wars, which laid the seeds for the war itself. During the crisis, Naboo was blockaded for a month (The removal of the Trade Federation from Naboo could have also necessitated emergency powers from the part of the Supreme Chancellor.) What does the Trade Federation get out of this? Their tax routes were taxed and they have an army, so the invasion of Naboo is blackmail against further state intrusion.

The Trade Federation doesn't really have a good reason to blockade the system other then Palpatine told Gunray to do it. Edit: I just realized that I barely even answered your question. I think it's stated in the opening crawl that the Trade Federation is unhappy with current trade laws and taxes, so they plan on halting all trade to Naboo.

15 Oct 2017 The Trade Federation adopt the strange position of denying they are invading Naboo. Why don't they just call for an adjournment and talk about  Star Wars Attack of the Clones " Padme Amidala" Lars Homestead of Naboo celebrate their victory over the invasion of the Trade Federation. If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? 1 Nov 2019 Sheev Palpatine, the man who would become a Sith Lord and the galactic was the one behind the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo, Palpatine was He knew they were planning to attack the Death Star before it was  The point of the blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo from the perspective of the Trade Federation is never made clear in the movie. People can talk about story lines from books and such all they want, but the fact remains that there is no clear explanation given in the movie. The Invasion of Naboo, also known as the the blockade of Naboo, the Naboo Crisis, or the occupation of Naboo, was a pivotal galactic conflict that took place in 32 BBY, ten years prior to the Clone Wars, which laid the seeds for the war itself. During the crisis, Naboo was blockaded for a month (The removal of the Trade Federation from Naboo could have also necessitated emergency powers from the part of the Supreme Chancellor.) What does the Trade Federation get out of this? Their tax routes were taxed and they have an army, so the invasion of Naboo is blackmail against further state intrusion.

1 Nov 2019 Sheev Palpatine, the man who would become a Sith Lord and the galactic was the one behind the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo, Palpatine was He knew they were planning to attack the Death Star before it was 

1 Aug 2002 Did he seek to pick up something from the aft cabins before leaving the ship? Another Invasion route of the Trade Federation army. Judging 

The Trade Federation was an interstellar shipping and trade conglomerate during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, one so powerful that it had its own representatives in the Galactic Senate. Viceroy Nute Gunray secretly allied with the Sith Lord Darth Sidious to invade the peaceful planet of Naboo and cause a crisis in the Republic government, although his occupation was thwarted by Trade federation invade naboo M Lau. Loading Unsubscribe from M Lau? John Williams-1TPM The Trade Federation March-Piano - Duration: 4:24. Julian Baxter 35,099 views. As I understand it from doing a bit of research and fill-in-the-blanks, the non-canon answer seems to be approximately as follows: The Trade Federation has been increasing in size, in part due to their trading in the Outer Rim territories, which w The Trade Federation was headed by Viceroy Nute Gunray, and even had its own representative in the Republic Senate to lobby for even greater power. On the orders of Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation sent its battle droids to invade Naboo to create a government crisis. The Trade Federation was an interstellar shipping and trade conglomerate during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, one so powerful that it had its own representatives in the Galactic Senate. Viceroy Nute Gunray secretly allied with the Sith Lord Darth Sidious to invade the peaceful planet of Naboo and cause a crisis in the Republic government, although his occupation was thwarted by